10 Interesting Facts About Beer That Every Beer Lover Should Know
30 May 2021
# Fascinating Beer Facts
There's nothing quite like sitting down after a long day and enjoying the crisp taste of your favorite beer. But how much do you actually know about the third most popular drink in the world? Check out these fascinating facts about craft beer that are sure to impress your friends on your next night out.
1: The Czech Republic Drinks the Most Beer
If we're talking per capita, Czech Republic drinks more beer than any other country in the world.
Now, if we're talking about the most overall consumption, China moves into first place.
This may come as a surprise to some considering many associate beer drinking with Germany and Ireland.
2: Beer Was Apart of a Normal Diet
Back in the Middle Ages, beer was considered to be a normal part of the human diet.
People drank it daily because they thought it was necessary for their health.
3: In Some Countries, McDonald's Has Beer
In many parts of the world, you can order a crisp beer at McDonalds. Unfortunately that's not possible in Australia, but countries such as South Korea, Germany, Spain and Portugal serve beer to their patrons.
4: Heineken Made Beer Bottles to be Used as Bricks
Back in the 1960's, Heineken crafted their beer bottles so that they could double as bricks for houses or other buildings. The thought process behind this was to provide an inexpensive building material and limit the amount of waste in the world due to beer bottles.
5: Belgians Serve Beer in Elementary Schools
We've all heard how harmful traditional soda can be for the body. In the early 2000s, Belgians began serving beer with a lower alcohol content to elementary school students. They did this to offer a healthier option to traditional soda.
6: Women Brewed Beer in Ancient Egypt
While beer brewing is considered to be mostly done by men, back in Ancient Egypt, women did the majority of the beer brewing.
7: There's a Beer That Tastes like Pizza
A cold beer and a slice of cheesy pizza are the perfect meal combination. Did you know that at SEVEN BRO7HERS Brewing they have created a beer that tastes almost exactly like America's favorite dish.
8: We Can Trace Beer Back to 3,500 BC
It's clear beer was a popular beverage worldwide. Western Iran has showed the earliest evidence of beer making. Chemical tests have been run on pots from around this time that show beer was produced in Wester Iran as early as 3,500 BC.
9: The United States Is Home to the Most Popular Breweries in the World
Whether you're a huge beer drinker or not, you've definitely heard of these popular breweries that have a home in the United States. The US is home to MillerCoors, Pabst Brewing Company, and AnheuserBusch.
10: There are Over 100 Varieties of Beer
When looking at a brewery menu or the selection in a store or when you buy beer online, you've probably seen sours, ales, lagers, and much more. There are only two categories of beer, ales and lagers, but all your favorite IPAs and other creations are all varieties of these two categories.